
November 12, 2018 9:13 am

Dom Alejandro Castro, Abbot of Viaceli (Diocese of Santander, Spain) since 1995, having reached the age of retirement mentioned in ST 40.A of the Constitutions, presented his resignation to the Abbot General. With the consent of his Council, the Abbot General accepted the resignation which became effective on September 14, 2018.

On November 8, 2018, Dom Pierre-André Burton, Abbot of Désert (France) and Father Immediate of Viaceli, after consulting the community, appointed Father José Luis Monge as Superior ad nutum of Viaceli.

Dom José Luis was born in 1944 in Navarredonda de la Rinconada (Spain). He entered Viaceli on 1959, and made his solemn profession on 1965. He was ordained a priest on 1969. He was the French-Spanish interpreter during the General Chapter of Assisi 2017; at the time of his appointment, he was bursar of the monastery.