Celebrating the Atlas Martyrs

April 25, 2019 7:53 am

The Congregation for Divine Worship has approved the French texts for celebrating all 19 of the Algerian martyrs on May 8. These texts are for use in the archdiocese of Algiers, and refer to Blessed Pierre Claverie and his companions in the title and in the prayers.

Our Order will keep the same day, May 8, as an Optional Memorial of Blessed Christian de Chergé and his Companions, religious, martyrs, but no official texts are available as of this writing. However, since the date has been confirmed, our monasteries may celebrate the Memorial by taking everything from the Common of Martyrs: For Several Martyrs during Easter Time. This Common also includes a Collect, which should name “Blessed Christian de Chergé and his companions”.

The Mass texts are optional, but the ones suggested are:
Revelation 7:9,14b-17; Responsorial Psalm 30(31):3bc-4,6.8,16-17; and Gospel of St John 15:9-17

For a Second Nocturn reading, the Testament of Dom Christian de Chergé is available on the Order’s website:

Finally, Fr Thomas Georgeon has very kindly provided the French texts which have been approved.