
October 1, 2023 12:43 pm

Dom Teodoro Ekongo Satchenda, abbot of Miraflores (Diocese of Rancagua, Chile) since 2022, offered his resignation to the Abbot General for reasons of health (Cst 40). The resignation was accepted and became effective on 29th September 2023.

On 1st October 2023, Dom Elias Dietz, abbot of Gethsemani and Father Immediate of Miraflores, appointed Brother Lucas Marckmann Soto as superior ad nutum of Miraflores.

Dom Lucas was born in 1956 in Puerto Varas (Chile). He entered Miraflores in 2009 and made his solemn profession in 2015. At the time of his appointment, he was prior of the community.