General News


December 10, 2016

On December 10, 2016, the Community of Mont-des-Cats (diocese of Lille, France) elected as abbot,...

Centenary Bl. Charles de Foucauld

December 7, 2016

December 1st 2016 Centenary of the death of Blessed Father Charles de Foucauld (1858  –...

Newsletter Formation

December 5, 2016

The Newsletter n°11 of the Central Secretary for Formation can be obtained from the Internet...


December 5, 2016

On December 4, 2016, Brother Robertus Winaryo and Brother Ignatius Budi Martono made solemn profession...

Daily Office Readings

November 23, 2016

To assist those who prepare readings for the Liturgy of the Hours, Fr. Justin has...


November 21, 2016

On November 8, 2016, Mother Joanna Sato, Superior ad nutum of Ajimu (Japon) has presented her...


November 19, 2016

On November 14, 2016, Sister Lucia Pham Thi Thuy and Sister Martina Doan Thi Xuyen...


November 12, 2016

On November 12, 2016, Brother Pius Chen was ordained a priest at the monastery of...


November 4, 2016

On August 19, 2016, Sister Anna Mary O’Meara made solemn profession at the monastery of...


November 2, 2016

On 20 October 2016, Dom Marc-André Di Péa, Superior ad nutum of Mont-des-Cats and Father...


November 2, 2016

Mother Catharina Shibuya, Abbess of Imari, whose resignation was accepted by the General Chapter of...

Pope’s Address to the Episcopal Vicars and Deleg. for Consecr. Life

October 29, 2016

Pope’s Address to participants in the International Congress for the Episcopal Vicars and Delegates for...

English Ordo 2016-2017

October 21, 2016

A copy of the English Ordo for 2016-2017 is now available on the website, and can be...

San Isidro

October 10, 2016

Dom Juan Javier Martín Hernández, Abbot of the monastery of San Isidro (diocese of Palencia,...


October 3, 2016

On October 3, 2016, the Community of Lantao (Hong Kong) elected as abbot, for a...


September 29, 2016

Dom Joseph Boyle, Abbot of Snowmass (Archdiocese of Denver – USA) since 1985, having reached...


September 29, 2016

On September 8, 2016, Brother Marie-Joseph LyVanTu made solemn profession at the monastery of Port-du-Salut...

Sobrado : 1966 – 2016

September 22, 2016

In the year 2016, the Monastery of Sta María de Sobrado (La Coruña, Spain) celebrates...

Ordo 2016-2017

September 16, 2016

A copy of the Latin Ordo for 2016-2017 is now available on the website, and...

The Cist. Congreg. of St. Bernard

September 14, 2016

On September 13, 2016 the eighth General Chapter of the Cistercian Congregation of St. Bernard...


September 10, 2016

On September 4, 2016 Sr. Dinah Mae dela Cruz made solemn profession at the monastery...

Newsletter Formation

September 2, 2016

The Newsletter n°10 of the Central Secretary for Formation can be obtained from the Internet...


August 26, 2016

On May 12, 2016, Dom Steele Hartmann, Abbot of Tarrawarra and Father Immediate Delegate of Kopua, appointed Father...


August 26, 2016

On August 20, 2016, Solemnity of St Bernard, Sister Valeria Carolo made solemn profession at...


August 22, 2016

On August 20, 2016, Solemnity of St Bernard, Brother Albert Lintang made solemn profession at...


August 22, 2016

On August 20, 2016, Solemnity of St Bernard, Brother Édison Gonzalo Guamán Bravo was ordained...