

Official Name Monastère de la Paix-Dieu


Country France

City Anduze

Address 1064 chemin de Cabanoule

Postcode F-30140

Contact Information

Telephone [33] (4) 66 61 73 44

Community Email [email protected]


Superior Mère Elisabeth Unal, Supérieure ad nutum 2001, Prieure 2002

Other Information

Juridical Status Major Priory

Diocese Dioecesis Nemausensis (Nîmes)

OCSO Region RéCiF

Founded/Restored 1970


The monastery is in the midst of the Cévennes (Protestant) region, a place marked by wars of religion and divisions among Christians. The “Peace of God”, a small, discreet, isolated monastery, founded in 1970, wanted to be a humble sign of evangelical life, of prayer at the heart of the church, in the hope of the unity of Christians. The project was long studied by the abbess of Gardes and the father immediate, abbot of Bellefontaine. The general chapter of 1969 approved the foundation. The place chosen is 15 km from Alès, in the diocese of Nîmes. On 6 April 1970, 8 religious coming from N.D. des Gardes took possession of an old farm, at the place called Cabanoule, and began monastic life. “To give your flesh, here, to the prayer of Jesus for Unity” (Mgr Cadilhac, bishop of Nîmes, 24 March 1979.)

Father Immediate

Neiges (jusqu’en 2022); Tamié

Lay Associates

La Clède de Cabanoule

Past Superiors

Bernard SAUVAGET — Superior — 06/04/1970 – 30/04/1972
Marie Odile COUTAND — Superior — 30/04/1972 – 12/08/1974
Isabelle PERROCHEAU — Superior — 12/08/1974 – 24/03/1979
Isabelle PERROCHEAU — titular prioress — 24/03/1979 19/02/1998
Pascale PIED — titular prioress — 19/02/1998 – 24/01/2000
Marie-Claire MULLER — Sup. ad nutum — 03/02/2000 – 22/03/2001

Work and Sources of Income

Beeswax candles, lavender essential oil, almond paste.

Guest Facilities

12 rooms


Gares : Voyageurs: Alès


  • La Palma


  • Carrizo


  • Val Notre-Dame
