

Official Name Abbaye La Joie Notre-Dame


Country France

City Campénéac

Postcode F-56800

Contact Information

Telephone [33] (2) 97 93 42 07

Fax [33] (2) 97 93 13 27

Community Email [email protected]

Business Email [email protected]


Superior Soazig Connan, Abbesse 2021-2027

Other Information

Juridical Status Abbey

Diocese Dioecesis Venetensis (Vannes)

OCSO Region RéCiF

Founded/Restored 1920


Founded at Ste Anne d’Auray in 1920 under the name N.D. de Bonne-Garde; erected as a priory in 1921 (8 December); transferred to Campénéac in 1953 with the name La Joie Notre-Dame


The community was established at Ste Anne d’Auray in buildings which they did not own. In addition they could not easily be adapted to monastic life and the terrain was not suited for cultivation, so life there was very difficult. The father immediate and the community of Timadeuc purchased a property, the castle of Ville Aubert with a large farm, in the same diocese and the transfer was authorized by the Definitory on 4 May 1947.
A monastery was constructed, partly by adapting the castle, and a part entirely new, and on 30 September 1953 the community transferred there. The transfer was an opportune moment to revive the former title La Joie Notre Dame, “Gaudium Dominae Nostrae” of Hennebont.


Ampibanjinana (1996)

Father Immediate


Past Superiors

Marie du Sacré-Coeur PERNEY — Prioress then abbess — 08/12/1921 – 20/07/1938
Lutgarde MASSON — Abbess — 12/08/1938 – 29/08/1941
Gertrude TRÉBAULT — Abbess — 29/08/1941 – 05/11/1941
Vincent de Paul CHAPLEAU — Superior — 05/11/1941 – 24/02/1942
Lutgarde MASSON — Abbess — 24/02/1942 – 24/02/1954
Bernard MOAL — Abbess — 10/04/1954 – 03/10/1971
Madeleine CABILLIC — Abbess — 11/12/1971 – 30/11/1989
Geneviève-Marie FRAVALO — Abbess — 30/11/1989 – 10/11/1996
Michaël LE TENDRE — Sup ad nutum — 21/11/1996 – 04/10/1997
Michaël LE TENDRE — Abbesse — 04/10/1997-16/07/2012
Marie-Joseph DHANGER—Sup. ad nutum 2012 – 2014 — Abbesse 2014 – 2018
Anne-Marie GILLOT — Sup. ad nutum 2018 – 06/01/2021

Work and Sources of Income

Agriculture and livestock. Biscuits, chocolates, and a shop where monastic products and books are sold

Guest Facilities

The “hôtellerie” has 24 individual rooms, 2 dining rooms, and 1 meeting room. The “Ville Aubert” is for groups of young people: 30 beds in rooms and dorms, 3 meeting rooms, 1 kitchen with a dining room


Gare destinataire : Rennes. Autobus : Rennes-Campénéac-Vannes.


  • Gethsemani


  • Tulebras


  • Laval
