

Official Name Monasterio Cisterciense


Country Spain

City S. Maria de Huerta (Soria)

Postcode E-42260

Contact Information

Telephone [34] (975) 32 70 02

Telephone 2 [34] (620) 13 22 23

Fax [34] (975) 32 73 97

Community Email [email protected]


Superior Dom Isidoro María Anguita Fontecha, Abad 1995-2031

Other Information

Juridical Status Abbey

Diocese Dioecesis Oxomensis et Soriana (Osma-Soria)

OCSO Region RE

Founded/Restored 1930


Ancient monastery mentioned by St. Martin of Finojosa. Manrique lived there. The monks were expelled in 1835. It was re-established by Viaceli in 1927. It was raised to the status of priory in 1929 and to abbey in 1965.


1144: founded by Berdoules.

1835: expulsion of the monks.

1927: the General Chapter authorizes the community of Viaceli to make the foundation of Santa Maria de Huerta (Soria), which is approved unanimously by the community on 2 October of the same year.  Viaceli begins the foundation immediately thereafter.

1936: during the Civl War, the superior disappears, probably murdered by the Reds.

1949: the General Chapter gives its final authorization for the foundation of Santa Maria de Huerta, according it the status of priory.

1966: Assumption of the paternity of La Oliva by the abbot of Huerta in a personal capacity.  In 1972 the community accepted the paternity of La Oliva.


Huerta has had a pre-foundation at Monte Sion, near Toledo, for many years.

Father Immediate


Daughter Houses

La Oliva (since 1972) ; Vico (since 1972) ; San Isidro (since 2021).

Lay Associates

Fraternidad de Laicos Cistercienses del Monasterio de Santa María de Huerta

Important Figures

St Martin of Finojosa, whose relics are preserved in the monastery. Angel Manrique

Past Superiors

Laurent OLMEDO — Superior — ?/ ?/1930 – 18/07/1936
Jesús Alvarez —- Superior—– 1937 – 01/05/1940
Andrés Anía —– Superior—– 01/05/1940 – 1942
Robert LARRINOA — Superior — ?/07/1942 – 01/10/1949
Ignace ASTORGA ARROYO — Superior — 01/10/1949 – 17/08/1950
Ignace ASTORGA ARROYO — Titular Prior — 17/08/1950 – 26/06/1965
Ignace ASTORGA ARROYO — Abbot — 26/06/1965 – 01/02/1977
Luis ESTEBAN — Abbot — 16/02/1977 – 16/02/1983
Severino ALONSO ALONSO — Abbot — 17/02/1983 – 17/02/1995

Work and Sources of Income

Jam and icons, which are sold at the monastery gatehouse; a farm of 130 hectares.

Guest Facilities

Normally a maximum of 10 – 15 retreatants.


Station: Sta Marie de Huerta


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