

Official Name Monasterio Santa Maria del Evangelio


Country Dominican Republic

City Jarabacoa

Address Apartado 5

Contact Information

Telephone [1] (809) 223-0591

Community Email [email protected]

Website www.monasteriojarabacoa.com

Superior Dom Jhonny Almonte Tineo, Prior 2024-2030

Other Information

Juridical Status Simple Priory

Diocese Dioecesis Vegensis (La Véga)


Founded/Restored 1989


Founded by Viaceli in 1989. Raised to simple priory 21 January 2006, feast of Our Lady of Altagracia, Protectress of the Dominican Republic.


The foundation was started by Abbot José María de Prada (Abbot from 1983-1989). The Bishop of La Vega, Msgr. Juan Antonio Flores Santana, spent several years in contact with the community of Viaceli requesting a foundation for his diocese. The founders, who arrived in July 1987, spent two years in a house – prepared by the bishop – in Guaigüí, near the city of La Vega.  They had to relocate due to insufficient water and because the solitude was not safeguarded.   In 1989, they moved to Jarabacoa and lived in a house inside the farm, owned by the community, while they built the monastery. In 1996 the community finally settled in their monastery.

Father Immediate


Lay Associates

Movimiento de Laicos Cistercienses Dominicanos

Past Superiors

José Luis DE ABAITUA — Superior — 06/17/1992 – 03/04/1999
Mariano BALLANO — Superior — 06/24/1991 – 02/17/1992 (v.46)
José Ramón SÁNCHEZ — Superior — 04/07/1989 – 05/26/1991 (v.25)
Juan Antonio SÁNCHEZ BUENO — Superior 1999, Prior titular 2006 – 21/01/2024

Work and Sources of Income

Development of a food made from soft wheat semolina, sugar and powdered milk.  Monastic gift shop.  Artisan Bakery.

Guest Facilities

A small guesthouse with capacity for six persons.


  • Aiguebelle


  • Paraíso


  • Klaarland
