

Official Name Monastera Masina Maria


Country Madagascar

City Fianarantsoa

Address Maromby B.P. 1092

Postcode 301

Contact Information

Telephone (261] (34) 02 250 10

Community Email [email protected]


Superior Dom Edmond Rakotovao, Supérieur ad nutum 2024

Other Information

Juridical Status Major priory

Diocese Archidioecesis Fianarantsoaënsis (Fianarantsoa)


Founded/Restored 1958


Founded by Mont-des-Cats 1958; raised to the rank of simple priory 23 October 1967; raised to the rank of major priory 29 November 2002


1958, 10 January: Dom Achille Nivesse arrives in Madagascar with 2 monks – Fr. Firmin and Fr. Guillaume – in order to study the possibility of making a foundation. After two months, Dom Achille returns to France, leaving the other two monks behind with the task of preparing buildings to receive a group of founders. A property of 110 hectares with a few existing buildings was bought from the Jesuits.

Father Immediate

Mont-des-Cats/ Delegate of Father Immediate : Acey (2010); Mont des Cats

Lay Associates

Masindahy Pakaoma

Past Superiors

Firmin DEBOES — Superior — ?/04/1958 – ?/03/1960
Jacques ROHART — Superior — ?/03/1960 – ?/ ?/1962
Alexandre DECABOOTER — Superior — ?/ ?/1962 – 01/06/1963 (v.22)
Firmin DEBOES — Superior — ?/ ?/1963 – 24/10/1967
Firmin DEBOES — Titular Prior — 24/10/1967 – 24/10/1972
Daniel CURELY — Titular Prior — 25/10/1972 – 18/12/1996
Edmond RAKOTOVAO — Sup. ad nutum — 18/12/1996 – 1998
Alain FAUVARQUE — Sup. ad nutum —
Marc-André DI PEA — Titular Piror — 18/06/1999 – 30/11/2002
Jean-Chrysostome RANDRIAMAHAZOSOA — Titular Prior 30/11/2002 – 27/11/2008
Timon RAKOTOFANOMEZANA — Sup. ad nutum, 2016 – 2018
Dom Jean-Chrysostome RANDRIAMAHAZOSOA — Titular Prior — 12/01/2018 – 12/01/2024

Work and Sources of Income

Vineyard of 5 hectares, producing mainly Mass wine, as wells as white and red wine and aperitifs.

Guest Facilities

30 single rooms; 3 dormitories with 15 beds each.


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