San Isidro


Official Name Abadía Cisterciense


Country Spain

City San Isidro de Dueñas (Palencia)

Postcode E-34208

Contact Information

Telephone [34] (979) 770 701

Community Email [email protected]

Guesthouse Email [email protected]

Business Email [email protected]


Superior Dom Juan José Domingo Falomir, Abad 2022-2028

Other Information

Juridical Status Abbey

Diocese Dioecesis Palentina (Palencia)

OCSO Region RE

Founded/Restored 1891


Benedictine Monastery founded circa 650; restored in the 17th century; expelled in 1835; re-established by Désert in 1891; raised to the rank of priory 27 December 1897 and to the rank of abbey 20 January 1900.


ca. 650: Foundeation of the monastery. Rebuilt and enlarged ca. 910.  Restored in the 17th century.  It was occupied by Benedictines during this time.

1835: The monks are expelled.

1891: Foundation by Désert.  The monastery was in ruins.

1897: Raised to the rank of priory.  Dom Ange Ginabat, monk of Désert, is the first superior.

1900: Raised to the rank of abbey; election of Dom Ange.  The hard work and patience of the new community resulted in the restoration of the monastery and God blessed their work with a great influx of vocations.  This permitted the re-establishment of La Oliva by way of the aid given to the former community of SteSuzanne and Val St. Joseph, then the foundation of Cardeña


Colombia (refuge), 1931-33; Cardeña (1942); Bela Vista (1958); Jacona (1979); Paraíso (1997)

Father Immediate

Désert (until 2020) ; Huerta (since 2021).

Daughter Houses

Osera (since 1960) ; Cardeña ; Bela Vista ; Jacona ; [Alloz (since 1921)] ; La Palma (La Paz).
La Oliva (1923-1972 ) ; Olmedo/Arconada/Vico (1951-1973) ; Arévalo (1955-1972) ; Zaydia/Beneguacil (1954-1972).

Important Figures

St Rafael Arnáiz Barón

Past Superiors

Ange GINABAT GROIZARD — Superior — 08/12/1891 – 27/12/1897
Ange GINABAT GROIZARD — Titular Prior — 27/12/1897 – 20/01/1900
Ange GINABAT GROIZARD — Abbot — 20/01/1900 – 21/04/1916
Felix ALONSO GARCIA — Abbot — 13/06/1916 – 21/11/1939
Bonaventure RAMOS CABALLERO — Abbot — 19/02/1940 – 07/06/1971
Manuel PEREZ CERVINO — Abbot — 14/07/1971 – 03/05/1982
Gonzalo FERNÁNDEZ FERNÁNDEZ — Abbot — 27/05/1982 – 22/01/2000
Enrique TRIGUEROS CASTILLO — Abbot — 03/03/2000 – 03/03/2012
Juan Javier Martín Hernández, — Abad —  2012- 04/09/2016
José Antonio GIMENO CAPIN — Sup. ad nutum — 05/09/2016 – 17/01/2022

Work and Sources of Income

Agriculture, cows and manufacture of dairy products.

Guest Facilities

18 rooms


Station: Venta de Baños


  • St. Sixte


  • Vina


  • Calvaire
