Official Name Monasterio de Santa MarÍa de Sobrado
N° 81
Country Spain
City Sobrado de los Monjes (La Coruña)
Postcode E-15813
Contact Information
Telephone [34] (981) 78 75 09
Telephone 2 [34] (981) 78 75 15
Community Email
Guesthouse Email
Superior Dom Carlos Gutiérrez Cuartango 1960, Prior 2003-2027
Other Information
Juridical Status Major priory
Diocese Archidioecesis Compostellana (Santiago de Compostela)
OCSO Region RE
Founded/Restored 1966
Former Cistercian monastery, re-established by Viaceli. Semi-autonomous Priory: 12 March 1975; Major Priory: 25 January 1980.
Sobrado is an ancient monastery founded in 950. It is a national monument. The Cistercian foundation, as daughterhouse of Clairvaux, was made on 14 February 1142.
The community of Viaceli, among several options, chose this ancient monastery. The buildings were donated by the Cardinal of Santiago. The assistance of official organizations as well as public entities and private donors made possible the restoration of the buildings which were in ruins, except for the church.
After much work, the monastery was ready to receive the founders from Viaceli who took possession of the premises and regular life began on 25 July 1966.
Father Immediate
Daughter Houses
Past Superiors
Javier Alberdi — Superior — 07/10/1966 – 10/30/1971
Salvador Toro — Superior — 11/05/1971 – 11/25/03
Work and Sources of Income
1) raising cattle for milk production;
2) Making Jam.
Guest Facilities
Monastic guesthouse for 71 persons and 20 beds for groups plus pilgrims’ hostel for 110 persons.
Airport : Santiago de Compostella, 60 km.