Aiguebelle / Bonnecombe

April 26, 2023 8:50 am

April 24, 2023: Dom Bernard Lefebvre was born in 1922 in Haubourdin (France). He entered Bonnecombe in 1941, made his solemn profession in 1946 and was ordained a priest in 1947. After the suppression of Bonnecombe, he came to Aiguebelle and changed stability in 1965. He was abbot of Bonnecombe from 1961 to 1965 and of Aiguebelle from 1983 to 1989. And he was secretary to the Abbots General Dom Ignace and Dom Ambrose. Father was 100 years old, had been in monastic vows for 79 years and 76 years a priest when the Lord called him.

+ Dom Bernard_Aiguebelle.pdf – FR