


Official Name Abadía Cisterciense


Country Spain

City San Pedro de Cardeña (Burgos)

Postcode E-09193

Contact Information

Telephone [34] (947) 29 00 33

Community Email [email protected]

Guesthouse Email [email protected]


Superior Dom Roberto de la Iglesia Pérez, Abad 2013-2025

Other Information

Juridical Status Abbey

Diocese Archidioecesis Burgensis (Burgos)

OCSO Region RE

Founded/Restored 1942


Founded, according to legend, in 537. Repopulated in 899. Suppressed in 1835. Refounded by San Isidro in 1942; raised to the rank of priory in 1945 and to the rank of abbey in 1948.


537: Legendary foundation.
899: Repopulation of Cardeña, first mention of the monastery in the chronicles.
934: Martyrdom of 200 monks together with their abbot Saint Stephen. They would later be canonized and incorporated into the Roman Martyriology (6th August).
1086: Death of Saint Sisebuto, abbot who hosted El Cid in Cardeña.
1457: Dedication of the Gothic Church.
1502: Entry into the Congregation of San Benito of Valladolid.
1835: Suppression of the monastery due to the Confiscations of Mendizábal
1942: Re-foundation by monks of San Isidro de Dueñas.
1950: Solemn reopening of the church.
1967: Destruction of the Guest house due to a serious fire.
2017: Celebration of the 75th anniversary of the Cistercian community.

Father Immediate

San Isidro

Daughter Houses

Arévalo (since 1973) ; Benaguacil (since 1972) ; Imari (Delegate 2018-2022) ; Nasu (2018-2022) ; Ajimu (Delegate 2018-2022); Viaceli (since 2022)

Lay Associates

Fraternidad Cisterciense de Laicos de San Pedro de Cardeña

Past Superiors

Amado ALAMANZÓN JARQUE — Superior — 01/05/1942 – 20/02/1943
Nivardo BENAVENT OLTRA — Superior — 13/03/1943 – 04/09/1945
Nivardo BENAVENT OLTRA — Titular Prior — 04/09/1945 – 31/01/1946
Carlos AZCÁRATE ECENARRO — Superior ad nutum — 31/01/1946 – 07/03/1949
Jesús ALVAREZ ALVAREZ — Abbot — 21/03/1949 – 28/05/1954 (v.46)
Bartolomé PEREZ APARICIO — Superior ad nutum — ?/06/1954 – 18/08/1954
Bartolomé PEREZ APARICIO — Abbot — 18/08/1954 – 24/04/1962
Carlos AZCÁRATE ECENNARO — Superior ad nutum — 1962 – 1965 ?
Sergio del PINO CAMPOS — Abbot — 20/09/1965 – 20/06/1984
Pablo LÓPEZ HUECAS — Abbot — 15/07/1984 – 15/07/1990
Marcos  GARCÍA DÍEZ —  Abbot  —  15/07/1990 – 15/01/2008
Jesus MARRODÁN EZQUERRO — Abbot — 01/04/2008 – 18/03/2011
Roberto DE LA IGLESIA PÉREZ — Superior ad nutum — 31/03/2011 – 07/05/2013

Work and Sources of Income

Wine cellar, liquor store, orchard, guest house, monastic shoo, guided tours

Guest Facilities

24 rooms with heating with full bathroom


Station: Burgos


  • Guadalupe


  • Nishinomiya


  • Kurisumala
