

Official Name Monasterio Cisterciense


Country Spain

City Arnedo (La Rioja)

Address N.S. de Vico

Postcode E-26580

Contact Information

Telephone [34] (941) 38 02 95

Community Email [email protected]


Superior Madre Isabel Rivero Navarro, Abadesa 2005

Other Information

Juridical Status Abbey

Diocese Dioecesis Calaguritana et Calceatensis-Logrognensis (Calahorra y La Calzada-Logroño)

OCSO Region RE

Founded/Restored 1951


The ancient community of Olmedo was incorporated into the Order in 1951; transferred to Arconada in October 1956 and to Vico in 1977.

Father Immediate


Lay Associates

Fraternidad de Laicos Cistercienses (Vico)

Past Superiors

Asunción BETEGON ALONSO — Abbess — 1907 – 1910
Aleida ESPARTERO SANZ — Abbess — 1910 – 1918
Rita CASTANON GUTTIERREZ — Abbess — 1918 – 1921
Filomena ALVAREZ PRESA — Abbess — 1921 – 1923
Rita CASTANON GUTTIERREZ (2) — Abbess — 1923 – 1927
Filomena ALVAREZ PRESA (2) — Abbess — 1927 – 1933
Aleida HERNANDO MARTIN — Abbess — 1933 – 1936
Angeles MIRANDA ESCUDERO — Abbess — 1936 – 1937
Aleida HERNANDO MARTIN (2) — Abbess — 1937 – 1940
Dolores GARCIA PENA — Abbess — 1940 – 1950
Matilde BOTE GARCIA — Abbess — 1950 – 1953
Dolores GARCIA PENA (2) — Abbess — 25/02/1953 – 30/04/1957
Vicenta ALIQUE LLANA — Abbess — 30/04/1967 – 1963
M. Rosario MARTINEZ GARCIA — Abbess — 1963 – 1969
M.Inmaculada ORTEGA GARCIA — Abbess — 21/08/1969 – 19/12/1970
Vicenta ALIQUE LLANA (2) — Abbess — 21/01/1971 – 06/12/1973
M.Inm.da CEDRON PRECIADO — Abbess — 06/12/1973 – 30/12/1979
M. Natavidad NICOLAS — Superior ad nutum — 30/12/1979 – 07/10/1981
María del Carmen ABAD PLAZA — Abbess — 07/10/1981 – 05/08/1987
María BORRELL — Abbess — 05/08/1987 – 31/05/2005

Work and Sources of Income

Decoration of porcelain and making candy

Guest Facilities

14 rooms


  • Mont des Cats


  • Kokoubou


  • Sujong

    Republic of Korea