General News


June 20, 2020

On June 19, 2020, Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Sister Myriam Saint-Vilus made...

Newsletter Formation

June 15, 2020

The Newsletter n°25 of the Central Secretary for Formation can be obtained from the Internet...

Happy birthday, Father Bruno!

June 5, 2020

On June 6, 2020, Father Bruno Lair of La Trappe (France) turned 100. Father Bruno was...

Bon Conseil

May 18, 2020

Mother Marie St-Pierre, Abbess of Notre-Dame du Bon Conseil (Archdiocese of Quebec, Canada) since 1989,...

Preparation for the General Chapter of September 2021

May 16, 2020

As a result of the postponing of the General Chapter to September 2021 the following...


May 15, 2020

In September 2019, during the Regular Visitation of Dom André Barbeau of Val Notre-Dame assisted...


May 8, 2020

Due to the world-wide spread of the New Coronavirus (Covid-19) epidemic and the consequent restrictions...

La Palma

April 20, 2020

On April 19, 2020, Divine Mercy Sunday Sister Carmen Jesús Serrano Ruiz made solemn profession...


April 20, 2020

On April 19, 2020, Brother Benoit Marie Ratahinjanahary Brother Jean Roger Razafitsimangidy made solemn profession...


April 13, 2020

A number of sisters in the community have been tested for the Coronavirus and seven...

Mass in Time of Pandemic

April 3, 2020

The Congregation for Divine Worship has  issued the official text of the Mass in Time...


March 27, 2020

THE GENERALATE AND CORONAVIRUS Dear Sisters and Brothers, Some of you have kindly expressed your...


March 21, 2020

On March 21, 2020, Father Marcellin Dhecadjevi completed his term as Prior of the monastery...

Newsletter Formation

March 18, 2020

The Newsletter n°24 of the Central Secretary for Formation can be obtained from the Internet...


February 27, 2020

Mother Juliana Tatara, prioress of Sujong (diocese of Masan, Republic of Korea) since 2014, having...

Viale Africa

February 14, 2020

Sister Juliette Simonnot (OSB) completed her service as portress at the Generalate and she is...


January 30, 2020

Dom Jean-Marc Thévenet, Abbot of O. L. of Acey (diocese of Saint-Claude, France) since 2003,...

El Encuentro

January 29, 2020

On January 28, 2020, at the end of the mandate of Mother Inès Gravier, the...


January 26, 2020

Dom José Otero, superior ad nutum of Frattocchie (Italy) since 2011, presented his resignation. On...

Mount Saint Bernard

January 22, 2020

Dom Erik Varden, Abbot of Mt. St. Bernard since 2015, presented his resignation after his...

Happy birthday, Father Gervasio!

January 15, 2020

On January 11, 2020, Father Gervasio Fauvarque of Frattocchie turned 100. Father Gervasio was born...


January 9, 2020

On January 06, 2020, Sister Roxanne Acaylar made solemn profession at the monastery of Matutum...


January 7, 2020

The Information Bulletin n°192 that records the News which appeared between the month of July...

Happy birthday, Mother Caridad!

January 4, 2020

On January 3, 2020, Mother Caridad Lorenzo Marcos of Carrizo became 100 years. She was...

Further precisions on the situation of the former Abbot of Mt. St. Bernard Abbey

December 30, 2019

“The Very Reverend Father Erik Varden, newly elected Bishop Prelate of Trondheim, for reasons of...

Newsletter Formation

December 20, 2019

The Newsletter n°23 of the Central Secretary for Formation can be obtained from the Internet...