

Official Name Monasterio Sta Maria de Miraflores


Country Chile

City Rancagua

Address Casilla 337

Contact Information

Telephone [56] (72) 2226092

Guesthouse Email [email protected]

Website www.trapenses.cl

Superior Dom Lucas Marckmann Soto, superior ad nutum 2023

Other Information

Juridical Status Abbey

Diocese Dioecesis Rancaguensis (Rancagua)


Founded/Restored 1960


Founded by Spencer in 1960 near Santiago under the name O. L. of the Andes.  Transferred to Miraflores in 1966.  Raised to the rank of semi-autonomous priory in 1969 with the new name La Dehesa. Raised to the rank of autonomous priory 8 March 1980. On September 15, 2012, the community of Our Lady of Miraflores, Chile, was raised to the rank of Abbey, in accordance with vote 36 of the 2011 General Chapter. On September 17, 2012, Dom Francisco Lagos, titular prior since 2010, was elected firstabbot of Miraflores for a six-year term. The confirmation and installation took place on the same day. The abbatial blessing will be held on November 30, 2012.


The monastery of O.L. of the Valley (today Spencer) had already thought of making a foundation in Chile as early as 1949 and had received offers to do so, but it was only in 1960 that the project was revived and Spencer asked for authorization to purchase a property, which was given by the Definitory in February. The property, which was located , on a wonderful site 20 km from Santiago, was called Dehesa. The General Chapter of 1960 authorized the foundation, which was to be called O.L. of the Andes. Regular life began at the end of the year with 10 monks.

Father Immediate

Spencer until 1966; thereafter Gethsemani

Daughter Houses

Quilvo; Boa Vista (Delegate of Father Immediate to Novo Mundo 2010-2018)


Past Superiors

Francis (Alexandre) DIETZLER — Superior — 1960 – 1963 (v.76+87)
Edward McCORKELL — Superior — 24/10/1963 – 31/10/1966 (v.63)
Jorge (Callixte) PETERSON — Superior — 31/10/1966 – 24/02/1970
Richard GANS — Prior titular — 24/02/1970 – 15/01/1986
Lino DOERNER — Prior titular — 20/01/1986 – 30/01/2004
Jesús DIEZ-CABALLERO SANZ — Prior titular 30/01/2004-26/01/2010
Francisco LAGOS RAMÍREZ — Prior titular 2020 – 2012
Francisco LAGOS RAMÍREZ— Abad 2012 – 2014
Pedro BARRIENTOS MONTALVA — Abad 31/01/2014 – 05/08/2022
Teodoro EKONGO SATCHENDA — Abad 06/08/2022 – 29/09/2023

Work and Sources of Income

32 hectares almond orchards; 500 head of cattle; ranching and fattening.  Rural industries: processing of almonds for gifts; small chocolate factory.

Guest Facilities

5 men, either Friday-Sunday or Monday-Friday.


  • Grandselve


  • Fons Pacis


  • Ajimu
