

Nom Officiel Abbaye N.-D. de Timadeuc


Pays France

Ville Bréhan

Code Postal F-56580


Téléphone [33] (2) 97 51 50 29

Email Communauté [email protected]

Hôtellerie E-mail [email protected]

Travaux E-mail [email protected]

Site www.abbaye-timadeuc.fr

Supérieur(e) Dom Benoît Briand, 2011

Autres Informations

Statut Juridique Abbey

Diocèse Dioecesis Venetensis (Vannes)

Région OCSO RéCiF

Fondée/Restaurée 1841


Founded by La Trappe on 24 July 1841; raised to the rank of abbey on 12 September 1847.


1847, 1 September: Blessing of the first church.

1880, 6 Nov.: Monks expelled.

1899, 6 July: Consecration of the second church.

1925 -1930: Construction of a permanent monastery.

1946, 1 May: Dom Dominique Nogues is elected abbot general.

1947 Dom Dominique provides a contingent of 14 monks to reinforce Melleray.


Petit Clairvaux no. 2, 1901- 25/07/1919

Père Immédiat

La Trappe

Maisons filles

Campénéac; Ampibanjinana.

Laïcs associés

Fraternité cistercienne Notre Dame de Timadeuc

Ancien(ne)s Supérieur(e)s

Bernard DUGUÉ — Abbot — 26/05/1847 – 15/10/1859
Cyprien MOREL — Abbot — 21/11/1859 – 24/12/1887
Bernard CHEVALIER — Abbot — 21/03/1888 – 04/06/1912 (v.2)
Brieuc BOUTMY — Abbot — 06/08/1912 – 24/04/1922
Dominique NOGUES — Abbot — 02/06/1922 – 01/05/1946
Gabriel BLOURDIER — Abbot — 21/05/1946 – 15/09/1954
Emmanuel de MISCAULT — Abbot — 07/10/1954 – 01/09/1971
Claude RICHARD — Abbot — 22/09/1971 – 21/07/1993

Paul Houix, Abbé 1993-2011

Travail et Sources de Revenus

Farming: 100 acres in cultivation and pasture, and a herd of 70 dairy cows; production of cheese and fruit gums.

Capacité d'Accueil

Interior guesthouse: 40 rooms (6 double); two separate dormitories with kitchen and 60 beds each for groups of young people.

Moyens de transport

Gare destinataire : Rennes ou Vannes


  • Berryville


  • Tulebras


  • Boschi
