Val d'Igny
Nom Officiel Abbaye N.-D. du Val d'Igny
N° 14
Pays France
Ville Arcis-le-Ponsart
Code Postal F-51170
Téléphone [33] (3) 26 48 08 40
Supérieur(e) Mère Isabelle Valez, Abbesse 2014.
Autres Informations
Statut Juridique Abbey
Diocèse Archdiocese of Reims
Fondée/Restaurée 2008
Foundation by Clairvaux in 1126 (monks); expulsion in 1790; restored by monks from the Desert (1875-1918), new foundation by sisters from Laval in 1929.
The three Cistercian communities in north-east France, Belval 14*, Grâce Dieu 20* and Igny 23*, at the end of a time of reflection, consultation and voting chose to unite and to regroup at the Abbey of Igny. Mother Inès GRAVIER, Superior ad nutum of Belval, designated as Superior of the new community, was named Apostolic Administrator on 10/09/2008. After the agreement of the General Chapter of Abbesses in 2008, the Holy See approved the three communities by decree, on December 8, 2008. This is the birth date of the new community of Notre-Dame du Val d’Igny 14*. According to the Charter of Union, the project has three goals: -To keep the seniors in a monastic environment (n. 6) -To give the middle aged sisters a rhythm of life and work adapted to their age and health (n.7) -To allow the younger sisters to live the Cistercian life fully and to provide hope for the future (n.8) This project requires a renovation of the Abbey of Igny. While awaiting the regrouping, there are 15 sisters at Igny coming from the 3 communities. At Belval there are 30 sisters also from the 3 communities and at Laval there are 9 sisters. One sister is at Blauvac, one at Meymac and 10 in various homes for the aged.
Clarté-Dieu (1955)
Père Immédiat
Port-du-Salut (1929-1945); Cîteaux; Acey (since 2010)
Laïcs associés
Laïcs Cisterciens d’Igny
Travail et Sources de Revenus
Chocolate and confectionary production. Gift shop.
Moyens de transport
Gare destinataire : Dormans (Marne), 20 km