Nom Officiel Monastère N.-D. des Gardes
N° 01
Pays France
Ville Chemillé-en-Anjou
Adresse St-Georges-des-Gardes
Code Postal F-49120
Téléphone [33] (2) 41 29 57 10
Email Communauté [email protected]
Supérieur(e) Mère Annie Jadeau, Abbesse 2022
Autres Informations
Statut Juridique Abbey
Diocèse Dioecesis Andegavensis (Angers)
Région OCSO RéCiF
Fondée/Restaurée 1818
Founded by Les Forges (La Riedra, Switzerland) in 1818; the community took refuge at Marnhull, England, from 1906 to 1920
The monastery began on 7 August 1818 with six religious whom Dom Augustine de Lestrange brought from Forges (Orne). In October of the same year, the religious of the foundation of Bégrolles who had the place in 1817, came to join their sisters at Gardes. And in 1821 Dom Augustine transferred there also the whole community of Les Forges.
The nuns were made the guardians of the sanctuary N.D. des Gardes, a place frequented by pilgrims.
1828, 7 July: the duchess of Berry visits the monastery.
1838, 26 July: installation of the statue which is so venerated in Anjou and Vendée.
1875, 26 February: Mgr Freppel obtains His Holiness Pius IX’s brief permitting the crowning of Notre-Dame des Gardes.
1875, 7 August: Fr. Théophile, the chaplain, receives an audience with Pius IX, presenting him with the crown for the statue, which he blesses. 8 September: crowning of N.D. des Gardes by Mgr Freppel, bishop of Angers.
1899, 27 August: Mgr Rumeau blesses and places the first stone of the sanctuary.
1904, 28 August: the statue of Our Lady is transferred to the parish church to hide it from authorities.
1904, 6 September: inventory and seizure of the monastery.
1907, 22 – 27 March: farms of the community sold by the court of Cholet.
1911, 3 November: they are sold at auction, and repurchased by a benefactor.
1921 work on the sanctuary recommenced. Mgr Rumeau places the first stone.
1932 consecration of the chapel and main altar by Mgr Rumeau, bishop ofAngers.
1952, 3 May: solemn vows taken according to the constitution « Sponsa Christi ».
Marnhull, England (Refuge) 1906-1920; , Étoile N.D. (Parakou) 1960, Cabanoule (Paix-Dieu) 1970
Père Immédiat
Bellefontaine 1818-1905 ; Bricquebec 1905-1924 ; puis, Bellefontaine jusqu’en 2024; Délégué du Père Immédiat : Dom Thomas Georgeon de la Trappe (depuis 2025)
Ancien(ne)s Supérieur(e)s
Thérèse MALATESTA — Prioress — ??/??/1818 – ??/??/1829
Humbeline MORINIÈRE — Prioress — ??/??/1829 – 06/05/1839
M. de la Providence OLIVIER — Prioress — 06/05/1839 – 03/07/1845
M. des S-C. MALLES DE MAILLY — Prioress — 03/07/1845 – 31/01/1848
Lutgarde CHAPELAIN — Prioress — 01/03/1848 – 08/08/1851
M. de la Providence SALZE — Prioress — 08/08/1851 – 08/08/1857
Eudoxie PINEAU — Prioress — 08/08/1957 – 04/01/1869
Léocadie BERGER — Prioress — 10/05/1869 – 05/02/1874
Synclétique LORÉAL — Prioress — 18/03/1874 – 22/03/1880
Hyacinthe PAGEAU — Prioress — 22/03/1880 – 08/07/1911
Bernard DESCHÈRE — Prioress — 08/07/1911 – 07/08/1923
Cécile CHAUVAT — Abbess — 07/08/1923 – 20/10/1941
Louis de Gonzague LE NIR — Abbess — 06/11/1941 – 28/10/1950
Bernard COUTANT — Abbess — 25/12/1950 – 25/01/1957
Marie de la Trinité KERVINGANT — Abbess — 15/02/1957 – 25/10/1979
Danièle LEVRARD — Abbess — 15/11/1979 – 24/06/1998
Andrée GROLLIER — Abbess — 10/08/1998 -29/03/2008
Béatrice VLANLOEIL — Abbesse 29/03/2008 – 19/06/2022
Travail et Sources de Revenus
Soldering electronic circuits for an industry in our region. Making jams and jellies. Herd of milking cows and a large apple orchard.
Capacité d'Accueil
23 rooms in 3 buildings
Moyens de transport
Gare destinataire : Chemillé, 9 km ; Cars Citroën Angers-Cholet, arrêt St-Georges-des-Gardes, 2 km.