

Nombre Oficial Monastère N.-D. de l'Emmanuel


País Dem. Rep. Congo

Ciudad Kinshasa 1

Dirección Kasanza via Kikwit - B.P. 7254


Superiore/a Dom Léonard Zibula , Supérieur ad nutum 2019-2024. Prieur titulaire 2024

Otras Informaciones

Estatuto Jurídico Major Priory

Diócesis Dioecesis Kikuitensis (Kikwit)


(Re)fundado 1958


Founded by Achel in 1958. It was raised to the status of simple priory in 1984.


The funds needed to make the foundation were provided by Mrs. Pauls, mother of a Jesuit missionary in Kikwit who died at the mission.
1957: The abbot went to the site, preceded by 2 monks, to choose the location for the monastery. The General Chapter of 1957 gave its approval.
1958: The founders left Achel on 6 January under the leadership of Fr. Lambert. Monastic life began on 2 February. There were six founders, including 4 choir monks and 2 laybrothers.
1964: During the revolutionary troubles, the community was forced to evacuate Kasanza and take refuge in Leopoldville, then in Kikombo in 1965.
1966: On 14 Sept. the community returned to Kasanza, but found the monastery pillaged and partly destroyed.
1984: The community changed its name to O. L. of Emmanuel.

Padre Inmediato

Achel / Délégue du Père Immédiat: Timadeuc (2003-2005) ; Délégué du Père Immédiat: Westmalle (2006-2011) ; Westmalle (2012-2022); Délégué du Père Immédiat : Dom Vedaste Vitchomo Visogho du Motoko

Antiguos(as) Superiores(as)

Lambert VANDERMEULEN — Superior — 02/02/1957 – ?/ ?/1963
Alberic VANORMELINGEN — Superior — ?/ ?/1963 – ?/12/1972
Edouard MUNUNU KASIALA — Superior — ?/12/1972 – 14/04/1984
Edouard MUNUNU KASIALA — Titular Prior — 14/04/1984 – 05/01/1985
Albéric VANORMELINGEN (2) — Titular Prior — 01/04/1985 – 11/07/1993
Aelred van den BOSCH — Sup. ad nutum — 06/10/1993
Aelred van den BOSCH — Titular Prior — 1997 – 15/08/2000
Jean-Baptiste PASHI-TUNDANDO — Titular Prior — 31/08/2000 — 31/08/2006
Franco NDULAMA —  Suppèrieur ad nutum 2006-2009  —  Prieur 2009-2015 ; Sup. ad nutum 2015-2017
Pierre MUSONGO — Supérieur ad nutum 2018-2019
Léonard ZIBULA — Supérieur ad nutum 19/02/2019-31/08/2024

Trabajo y Fuentes de Ingresos

Livestock, dispensary, garage, nutrition centre, chickens (500), mill, carpentry shop, garden.


15 individuals + groups of 40 – 50


  • Spencer


  • Engelszell


  • Midelt
