Official Name Monastère de la Paix-Dieu
1064 chemin de Cabanoule
Country France
Official Name Monastère de la Paix-Dieu
1064 chemin de Cabanoule
Country France
Official Name Caldey Abbey
Caldey Island, off Tenby
Country United Kingdom
Official Name Abbaye N.-D. du Calvaire
11505 Route 126
Country Canada
Official Name Abbaye La Joie Notre-Dame
Country France
Official Name Abadía Cisterciense
Country Spain
Official Name Monasterio Cisterciense Sta. Maria de Carrizo
Country Spain
Official Name Abbaye N.-D. de la Paix
Chaussée de Trélon, 1
Country Belgium
Official Name Abbaye N.-D. de Cîteaux
CS 40046
Country France
Official Name Abbaye de la Clarté-Dieu
B. P. 2
Country Dem. Rep. Congo
Official Name Monastery of the Holy Spirit
2625 Hwy 212 SW
Country USA
Official Name Our Lady of the Angels Monastery
3365 Monastery Drive
Country USA